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ForeignerHR was founded on 2005 by Dr. Rosie Tang. ForeignerHR is authorized by the National Labor Bureau as a licensed employment placement company. From the beginning of the foundation, ForeignerHR focuses on the English education of Chinese children, ForeignerHR aims to improve the Chinese English education system and have students that can speak native quality English..
ForeignerHR company cares about the quality of education, as well as the ESL teachers feelings. So ForeignerHR always gives new teachers ongoing trainings and provides teacher with materials. ForeignerHR sends company coordinators to the schools to check and make sure the teachers are happy. If issues arise, they will be solved quickly and efficiently.
ForeignerHR company’s culture is a Caring, Communicating, and Nurturing environment. As ForeignerHR always cares about our ESL teachers feelings, so ForeignerHR always tries its best to help them in all aspects, such as apartments, daily life, teaching and to overcome culture shocks. ForeignerHR always communicates with its teachers to see if they need any help and let them feel welcomed. ForeignerHR knows that actions speak louder than words, and is always available to help its new teachers.
Our Advantag
Teaching aboard especially in China can be a challenge, you need a reliable agency to select the most suitable job for you and help you to arrange the right visa and help you to deal with some unexpected situations. Our company is the best at helping employees deal with this new transition. ForeignerHR has many advantages for new employees..
1.All our services are FREE. We’ll provide a one-stop service and guide you through the whole visa process, job placement, apartment location so you can settle in comfortably and daily assistance life guide.
2.Sometimes you may decide to ask for the school of your choice whether its teaching Adults or Kindergarten at different grade levels, and you realize its not the environment you expected because you have obtained the hands on experience at the school and may not fit within your teaching personality. But if you use us, we can shift you to another school right away without a gap period and give you different options, so you will eventually be comfortable and happy with the school of your choice that fits your teaching personality.
3.We are a licensed employment placement company. We have the agent license from the Chinese National Labor bureau. And we can get foreign teachers working visa. Our experienced and comprehensive visa service will ensure your application goes through as smoothly as possible.
4.Most of Chinese people’s English is not good enough to communicate with you, but if you work with us, we will have one on one assistant service for you and to deal with daily life and different situations.
5.When you finish the one year contract with us, we provide you with a TEFL/TESOL certificate for free.
6.Our company has a great reputation in paying all our staff in a timely manner. If the school is late for any payment towards our teachers our company uses its our own money to pay you on time.
7.We have over 100 ESL teachers working for us, so whenever you need to meet other ESL teachers, we can always introduce them to you to make friends and have a really good experience during your stay in China.
8.We have lots of ESL teaching materials that can be used to help and assist you as well as provide free training and help so you can be familiar with the Chinese teaching method and give you lots of practical suggestions.
Are you tired of your current life and thinking about a change? Are you interested in seeing another country? Why not try teaching English in China as a new adventure? Come and join ForeignerHR and start your new life TODAY!!!
As the biggest English as the Second Language(ESL) company based in Beijing, ForeignerHR is always looking for new employees for our many fantastic opportunities. These include teaching options both in Beijing and throughout China. These jobs offer competitive rates, with excellent benefits as well. Enjoy the choice to work with students ranging from Pre-school age, all the way to university.
All applications are welcome and all resumes are read. We are interested in helping people start a new and successful life in China, in whatever capacity we can. NO EXPERRIENCE NECESSARY, NO PRIOR TEACHING REQUIRED!!!
As one of the largest ESL companies in Asia that has operated for more than ten years, ForeignerHR knows exactly what a person needs in order to start a new life in China. Native English speaking staffs are ready to answer any question you may have.
ForeignerHR has coordinators to help you with improving and mastering your teaching skills, including examples of teaching materials to make you the best ESL teacher you can be. Here are just a part of our teaching materials, feel free to have a look and download! working abroad

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